1-24 The
First Twenty-Four
25-48 The
Second Twenty-Four
49-72 The Third Twenty-Four
73-96 The Fourth Twenty-Four
97-120 The Fifth Twenty-Four
121-144 The Sixth Twenty-Four
145-168 The Seventh Twenty-Four
169-on The Eighth Twenty-Four
1 One Sunday In Perry
2 What the Army Taught Me
3 Not My Mother's Shopping List
4 Brain Calisthenics
5 The Pono Nano Diet
6 Oatmeal Jim-Jams
7 A Walk in the Park
8 Escape to California
9 Ding-Dong
10 Printer's Devil
11 Pono - The Addict
12 Monkeypodarrhea
13 Love in the Woods
14 It's a Small World
15 Culinary Crutches
16 We Want Sandin
17 Better With Age
18 Parallel Universes
19 Mårten Nilsson Finne
20 Hawaii Is A State
21 Shake-em-up Flashlight
22 The Use of E-mail
23 Normal American Schoolboy
24 Lake Gogebic Early Days
Want to lose some weight? I’ve developed and successfully tested a new and truly easy-to-use diet. No starving, no counting, no measuring – just go on with your life and make a few nano changes!
1) Floss regularly. Floss, but the key to weight reduction via flossing is this – do not swallow the bits and pieces you remove with the floss. Dispose of the chunks and you dispose of the calories.
2) Canned beverages. When you finish a can of beer or soda or whatever, a small amount seems to get wedged in the bottom of the can. I’ve seen people nearly wrench their necks trying to get that last nano swallow. Just let it go. First, it isn’t that much, but second, it is well established that all the calories sink to the bottom of the can and concentrate in that final few drops.
3) Tic-Tacs. This one is critical. You know that pill splitter your doctor or pharmacist gave you because they didn’t have your meds in the proper dosage? Use that remarkable device to split your Tic-Tacs and cut your calories from that source by a full 50%!
4) Parsley. Many restaurants observe the practice of having the chef add a sprig of parsley to each plate to indicate that it has been inspected and approved. Never, ever eat that parsley. You will save the calories, but in addition you will protect your health, since those sprigs are often rinsed and reused.
5) Thyme. Very important and simple to do – just never use thyme in your cooking. Scientists studying the origin of the universe have determined that thyme was the major factor in the creation of matter and obviously, to lose weight we don’t want to take a chance on creating more matter!
I have scrupulously followed these five Nano Diet rules for four months now and I’m pleased to announce the loss of 15 pounds. I’m certain that the Nano Diet is the reason, but just for fun I also cut serving sizes and started walking 2.44 miles each day. Results may vary – consult a physician or other nano-oracle before embarking on such a new and different regimen.
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