On 2021-05-03 the death of Craig Lindberg was added to the Albert Tillner family tree.
On 2019-09-18 the birth of Rilee Jean Sandin to Jordan Sandin and Stephanie Vierk was added to the Neil Sandin family tree.
On 2019-07-12 the marriage of Jordan Sandin and Stephanie Vierk was added to the Neil Sandin family tree.
On 2018-12-02 the death of Carol Lindberg was added to the Albert Tillner family tree.
On 2018-01-29 the death of Charlotte Lindberg Wiersbe was added to the Beyda (Tillner) Lindberg family tree.
On 2017-08-09 the death of Roland Lindberg was added to the Albert Tillner family tree.
On 2017-06-25 Matt Sandin married Susan Cox and was added to the Mamie Sandin family tree.
On 2017-03-01 the birth of Noah Thomas Sandin to Jordan Sandin and Stephanie Vierk was added to the Neil Sandin family tree.
On 2017-02-16 the death of Casimir Druzbicki was added to the John Tillner family tree.
On 2016-06-19 the birth of Grayson Alexander Belt to Mickey Jordan Belt and Kaitlin Geyser was added to the John Tillner family tree.
This is the START page for TILLNER FAMILY INFORMATION. Biographies will be displayed right here. Family sheet and tree, pedigree, and some picture pages need the full screen. Those pages provide for return here by clicking on the TILLNER button.
A word about biographies. It is really difficult to make biographies specific to one individual in a marriage. The reader should be aware of this and read the information for both partners to get the entire picture.
This information was compiled from many sources and reflects the best understanding of Pono (Norman Albert Sandin), the author, as of February 2018. I want to share this information with other members of the extended Sandin-Tillner families in the hopes that corrections and additions can be made before memories are carried away. Included here is my pedigree, which applies fully to my siblings (see picture below) and partially to others of you who receive it.
My investigations of the family tree are ongoing. Early on, heavy use of the resources of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) was made. Their Family History Center and Internet site (http://www.familysearch.org) were invaluable. More recently, subscription sites have sprung up with all the LDS information and more available online. In addition, more and more raw data is appearing online, and the pursuit of genealogy gets less and less difficult.
The following pages contain mostly verified information about our ancestors but other things that may be observations or hearsay information. In cases where it seems to matter, I have indicated the source. I have found no reason to believe the widely circulated rumor that our ancestors were driven from Sweden because of the dreadful vodka famine. If you have reason to confirm or challenge any items, please let me know as soon as you can. I am aging, even as you read this.
I have used a convention intended to help the reader. Individual names of persons who are directly on the pedigree are highlighted the first time they appear and again where they are discussed.
This picture shows the children of Clarence and Mamie Sandin taken in about 1944. You see Norman Albert, Jean Shirley, and Neil Charles. Yep, I’m the punk! Let me hear from you.
Pono Sandin
POB 1602
Kihei, HI 96753
[Visitor number since 6/6/03.]