Genealogy has become a very engrossing hobby of mine since my retirement.  While researching my ancestors I've come across some information that could be of value to other genealogists, particularly those of Swedish extraction.  Those resources are presented in this section.

The first set consists of templates for the input of data from government forms. They provide a means for reading the sometimes poorly reproduced headings on actual data forms as well as an alternative to adding copies of the actual documents to Family Tree Maker or other such programs.

Another resource provides instruction in the use of DISBYT, a very large database of Swedish persons comprised of the GEDCOM submissions of many, many researchers, Pono included.

I have retrieved the bouppteckning documentation for several of my Swedish ancestors, translated them to English and presented them here to help others trying to do the same thing.  These wonderful documents contain the estate inventory of a deceased person and lots of information about the heirs.

The Swedish-English Pictorial Dictionary lists the Swedish names of objects found in the bouppteckningar with the English translation and pictures of the objects.  The pictures are shown in small thumbnails which link to .pdf files that allow for zooming in to examine details.  The enlarged version often provides more information on the given object.

IMPORTANT:  When trying to find YOUR word in the dictionary, please keep an open mind about spelling.  The recorder, the time frame, the penmanship, the region, and several other factors, all had variability.  For example, note that q and k, v and w, and k and t were often interchanged.  The marks over the Swedish vowels å, ä, and ö were difficult to differentiate, especially when many recorders also put the double dots over ü and ÿ as well.  The letters j and c seem to be almost decorative in some words.  I have given some alternative spellings, but it is impossible to give all of them.  Use the search mechanism on the home page and on each page of the Swedish-English Pictorial Dictionary, but DON'T give up with your first try - try to think of alternatives.  Good luck with your searches!  Let me know of additions, corrections, or comments - click here!

Two sets will be of particular interest to genealogists pursuing immigrant ancestors coming from Sweden and settling in Northern Michigan, especially Gogebic County and Bessemer.

Audrey Black researched her Swedish ancestors and preserved the information in graphic form on four Emigrant Quilts.  These elegant and detailed quilts are presented in this section.


Pick a resource from the menu at left and enjoy.  PLEASE let me know any comments or questions you have.

Norm "Pono" Sandin                kapono@maui.net
POB 1602
Kihei, HI  96753                   pono@sandinfamily.com