Choose a picture from those listed at left and see the entire item here.  Have fun!

(Description of the quilt provided by Audrey Nelson Black.)

In the center "picture" area of the quilt I have traced the emigration of my grandparents from Sweden -- upper right corner -- to Ireland/England in the upper middle, to Amerika -- the Boston/New York area -- in the lower left corner.  The upper left corner and left side and the lower right corner and right side of the center "picture" contain the names and dates of my parents, my siblings and our grandchildren.  The center "river" of blue represents the Atlantic Ocean.  The ribbons trace each route and each ribbon contains the ship, it's name and the date embroidered on the quilt.

Surrounding the central "picture" are 6 borders.
1. Dark blue quilted with interlocking hearts -- a separator.
2. Salmon color with the names, birth, immigration, marriage and death dates of my grandparents, the original immigrants.  My morfar is on the left side, my mormor is on the top, farfar on the right and farmor on the bottom.  At the corners -- upper left and lower right the grandparents meet and in that corner is their child (my mother upper left, my dad lower right).  The grandmothers data are embroidered in violet because that was my mother's name, the grandfathers are embroidered in green because I liked the color.
3. Dark blue quilted with interlocking hearts -- another separator.
4. Light blue and white material to represent the sky, quilted with curves to represent clouds.
5. More "ocean" material from the center of the quilt to represent an ocean border, quilted with wavy lines to represent water movement.
6. Dark blue for the deep blue sea and the binding around the quilt.

(Audrey spent 10 years researching her family, assembling information and materials, and constructing the quilt.  Pono is honored to provide the forum for display of this work!)