Symptoms of Colon Cancer

I was fat, dumb, and happy - literally.  I hadn't the smallest clue that anything was going on in my belly.

After a lifetime of regularity, on approximately November 8, 2004 I became constipated.  During the first week I tried mineral oil without results.  On the 8th and 11th days I used Fleet enemas with minimal results.  On the 13th day I called my HMO's advice line and they recommended a trip to the emergency clinic.

I saw a doctor at the emergency clinic and told him the history.  He ordered a set of abdominal x-rays taken standing, looked them over and said my bowels were blocked.  He went over the details with me again and ordered another set of abdominal x-rays taken lying down.  He prescribed a laxative and sent me home.

I took the laxative as directed on the 13th, 14th, and 15th days with no results.  On the 15th day I called and made an appointment with a doctor at the clinic.

The appointment  doctor was new to me.  I told him the history.  He ordered a set of abdominal x-rays, looked them over and said my bowels were blocked.  He directed his nurse to administer two Fleet enemas.  They produced minimal results.  He prescribed a laxative and sent me home.

When I got home I took one dose of the laxative, but was unable to keep that or anything else down.  Thanksgiving day I was unable to eat, drink, sleep, or anything else.  By about 3am on the 18th day of constipation I gave up and called 911.

I was evaluated by a surgeon and scheduled immediately for exploratory surgery.  The operation revealed extreme blockage caused by a circumferential colon cancer.  The surgeon tells me that another day or two might have resulted in a rupture.